SixXS::Sunset 2017-06-06

Ticket ID: SIXXS #4960613
Ticket Status: User

PoP: iedub02 - Digiweb Limited (Dublin)

Intermittent tunnel
[ie] Carmen Sandiego on Thursday, 16 June 2011 17:53:30
Good evening, I'm having an issue with my tunnel. my detail are below: Tunnel Information for T63745 Your Location Dublin, Ireland Ireland Your IPv4 Static IPv6 Prefix2a00:15b8:100:e::1/64 PoP IPv6 2a00:15b8:100:e::1 Your IPv6 2a00:15b8:100:e::2 Created 2011-04-20 17:05:08 CEST Last Alive 2011-06-16 14:27:21 CEST State Enabled I have a cisco 1841 as IPV6 gateway. I' starting the tunnel behid NAT so from a private lan to the outside word. It was working fine with a linux box (OpenWRT) and Samsung Router (Ubigate2006). I'm using the same setup and network the But currently the tunnel is bouncing. I don't know if it is a Cisco problem or a tunnel problem. My scenario is IPv6 LAN----- Cisco ------ Office gateway (NAT)------- SixxS POP IPv6 My Cisco config is ! interface FastEthernet0/0 ip address duplex auto speed auto ipv6 address 2A00:15B8:10D:A:2006::1/64 ipv6 ospf 1 area 0 ! ! interface Tunnel0 description "IPv6 uplink to SixXS" no ip address ipv6 address 2A00:15B8:100:E::2/64 ipv6 enable ipv6 mtu 1280 tunnel source tunnel mode ipv6ip tunnel destination ! No firewall enabled. The exact same config was on the samsung and Linux and it was working fine. Now it works between half and one hour and then it start bouncing after a while it is stable enough and then it restarts to bounce. Could you please check on your end if you have any problem? My e-amil address is Many Thanks Cristiano
State change: user Locked
[ch] Jeroen Massar SixXS Staff on Friday, 17 June 2011 23:18:11
Message is Locked
The state of this ticket has been changed to user
Intermittent tunnel
[ch] Jeroen Massar SixXS Staff on Friday, 17 June 2011 23:19:23
Now it works between half and one hour and then it start bouncing after a while it is stable enough and then it restarts to bounce.
Can you define 'bouncing'? As you are behind a NAT, are you sure that your NAT box properly forwards packets? Did you read that big orange/yellow box? Please do and provide a lot more details. a tcpdump/wireshark might be useful for your case.
Intermittent tunnel
[ie] Carmen Sandiego on Friday, 24 June 2011 15:50:30
Sorry for the delay in answering to you. For bouncing I mean that the tunnel is working for a while. As now, I can browse internet and pinging outside ipv6 world. For no reason it stops working and even from the IPV6 gateway I cant ping the SixxS remote end. The NAT is definitely working fine. As I'm not experiencing any problems in IPv4 connectivity. All the IPv4 traffic is natted. If you want you can remove this ticket and I can send my request to, with traces and all the information needed. Cristiano
Intermittent tunnel
[ch] Jeroen Massar SixXS Staff on Friday, 24 June 2011 16:03:10
For no reason it stops working and even from the IPV6 gateway I cant ping the SixxS remote end.
Where are the relevant interfaces and routing tables and possibly more importantly in this case a nice tcpdump showing traffic going out and maybe a ICMP unreachable or so coming in? Please see that big yellow/orange box for a reference to a list of things we would like to see.
The NAT is definitely working fine. As I'm not experiencing any problems in IPv4 connectivity
Protocol-41 handling is NOT a standard feature of a NAT, I would be very suspicious of it.

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