SixXS::Sunset 2017-06-06

SixXS on Ubuntu 13.04 Desktop
[us] Shadow Hawkins on Saturday, 25 May 2013 03:18:50
My network: Cox cable internet connected to a cable modem which is connected to a Cisco RVS4000 router (wired only). I have 4 computers running off this router. However, I'm only interested in using one with SixXS, this one is a Lenovo T430 laptop with a standard Ubuntu 13.04 install. I'm currently using Enlightenment 17.3 desktop. I registerd at SixXS and have my tunnel specs. I installed aiccu, set up for verbose output. Output from aiccu test: Tunnel Information for T123510: POP Id : uslax02 IPv6 Local : 2607:f878:fe00:8d::2/64 IPv6 Remote : 2607:f878:fe00:8d::1/64 Tunnel Type : ayiya Adminstate : enabled Userstate : enabled output from ifconfig: eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:21:cc:d3:fe:1d inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: 2002:4408:9de3:0:221:ccff:fed3:fe1d/64 Scope:Global inet6 addr: fe80::221:ccff:fed3:fe1d/64 Scope:Link inet6 addr: 2002:4408:9de3:0:9068:557d:a63a:6838/64 Scope:Global UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:23810 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:20974 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:18088454 (18.0 MB) TX bytes:9164268 (9.1 MB) Interrupt:20 Memory:f5200000-f5220000 lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1 RX packets:771 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:771 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:142461 (142.4 KB) TX bytes:142461 (142.4 KB) sixxs Link encap:UNSPEC HWaddr 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00 inet6 addr: fe80::f878:fe00:8d:2/64 Scope:Link inet6 addr: 2607:f878:fe00:8d::2/64 Scope:Global UP POINTOPOINT RUNNING NOARP MULTICAST MTU:1280 Metric:1 RX packets:49 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:52 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:500 RX bytes:50372 (50.3 KB) TX bytes:50516 (50.5 KB) All the howto's I've read so far say that once aiccu was running the tunnel just worked. Mine doesn't work however. ping6 PING 56 data bytes From 2002:4408:9de3::1 icmp_seq=1 Destination unreachable: Address unreachable From 2002:4408:9de3::1 icmp_seq=2 Destination unreachable: Address unreachable From 2002:4408:9de3::1 icmp_seq=3 Destination unreachable: Address unreachable From 2002:4408:9de3::1 icmp_seq=4 Destination unreachable: Address unreachable ^C --- ping statistics --- 4 packets transmitted, 0 received, +4 errors, 100% packet loss, time 3014ms The aiccu log doesn't show any errors: 20132405 19:12:43 Starting SixXS Automatic IPv6 Connectivity Client Utility 20132405 19:12:43 Checking access to 20132405 19:12:43 OK 20132405 19:12:43 Command line: /usr/sbin/aiccu start Tunnel Information for T123510: POP Id : uslax02 IPv6 Local : 2607:f878:fe00:8d::2/64 IPv6 Remote : 2607:f878:fe00:8d::1/64 Tunnel Type : ayiya Adminstate : enabled Userstate : enabled Tunnel Information for T123510: POP Id : uslax02 IPv6 Local : 2607:f878:fe00:8d::2/64 IPv6 Remote : 2607:f878:fe00:8d::1/64 Tunnel Type : ayiya Adminstate : enabled Userstate : enabled 20132405 19:12:46 SixXS Automatic IPv6 Connectivity Client Utility started So, I've tried various things including numerous restarts and reboots and entries in my interfaces file. I'm just poking around in the dark really. I have no idea what to do. Network Manager is running. I've also tried Hurricane Electric (tunnelbroker) and the default config worked right away. I'd much rather use SixXS as it has some nice features and perhaps better performance. Any help would be appreciated. TIA Gary
SixXS on Ubuntu 13.04 Desktop
[at] Shadow Hawkins on Saturday, 25 May 2013 10:30:49
Gary Witscher wrote:
So, I've tried various things including numerous restarts and reboots and entries in my interfaces file.
ping6 2607:f878:fe00:8d::1
works, doesn't it? Have you tried to print the packet trace with traceroute6?
Have you already analyzed the routing table?
route -6
The interface for the default route (::/0) must be via interface sixxs, with the opposite tunnel endpoint as next hop, e.g.
Destination Next Hop Flag Met Ref Use If ::/0 2607:f878:fe00:8d::1 UG 1024 0 8 sixxs
Regards, Sarah
SixXS on Ubuntu 13.04 Desktop
[ch] Jeroen Massar SixXS Staff on Saturday, 25 May 2013 11:02:09
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:21:cc:d3:fe:1d
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: 2002:4408:9de3:0:221:ccff:fed3:fe1d/64 Scope:Global
inet6 addr: fe80::221:ccff:fed3:fe1d/64 Scope:Link
inet6 addr: 2002:4408:9de3:0:9068:557d:a63a:6838/64 Scope:Global
You have two 6to4 addresses there, this while you have a RFC1918 address on that interface. Where do these addresses come from? You might want to clean them off your link. The related IPv4 address is (which is from COX). It seems you have no public interfaces on that host, thus is your NAT box maybe doing 6to4 for you?
All the howto's I've read so far say that once aiccu was running the tunnel just worked. Mine doesn't
work however.
PING 56 data bytes
From 2002:4408:9de3::1 icmp_seq=1 Destination unreachable: Address unreachable
Here is the answer to your question. The 6to4 router 2002:4408:9de3::1 does not have a route to the destination network. Even though you have AICCU running, it other routes are present they might be selected by your OS/Applications. As such, you might want to either: - disable 6to4 on the NAT box, or whatever is supplying you with connectivity - Disable accept_ra (net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_ra = 0, but also for the interfaces) The first one is probably the better one as you currently have broken connectivity from there.
The aiccu log doesn't show any errors:
There is no error, as it has no idea if the configuration that is already active is there because you want it to be there, or if it is accidental. You might want to clean up your routing tables also btw. Though if you accept_ra enabled then they would come back anyway, thus better fix the real problem. Of course, if you have a device, like your NAT box, that can do 6to4, it is quite likely that it can do a static or maybe even a heartbeat tunnel. As such you could also just terminate the tunnel there.
SixXS on Ubuntu 13.04 Desktop
[us] Shadow Hawkins on Sunday, 26 May 2013 04:43:56
OK, I want to thank both of you for helping. I can't say that I actually understand what you are trying to explain to me as I don't know much about networking or routing. Even so I got enough information from your ideas to fix the issue I was having. It seems that the number one cause of my problem was that my router was configured to do both ipv4 and ipv6. It has to be set to ipv4 only for aiccu to work. The other thing I did was to clean up the route table by first stopping the aiccu daemon and then removing all the routes that had sixxs in them (there were several). I used the "ip -6 route del" command to do this. Then I rebooted and aiccu work, the tunnel was up and I could ping ipv6 sites and browse to them as well. I tried several reboots to make sure it would keep working. It has. Thank you, Gary
SixXS on Ubuntu 13.04 Desktop
[ch] Jeroen Massar SixXS Staff on Sunday, 26 May 2013 13:36:48
Gary Witscher wrote:
OK, I want to thank both of you for helping. I can't say that I actually understand what you are trying to explain to me as I don't know much about networking or routing. Even so I got enough information from your ideas to fix the issue I was having.
10+ years ago I didn't know either, the only way to learn is to ask more and try ;) Great that it is working now!

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