SixXS::Sunset 2017-06-06

Aiccu on Synology
[nl] Shadow Hawkins on Saturday, 13 October 2012 20:12:00
I've been spending quite some time getting AICCU to work on my Synology 211j NAS. I have followed the tutorial and also included the comments in the discussion section. I've made it up to 'Compiling RADVD'. The /etc/radvd.conf file was empty to my surprise, so I have filled it with:
interface eth0 {AdvSendAdvert on; AdvLinkMTU 1280; MaxRtrAdvInterval 300; prefix 2001:838:300:832d::/64 {AdvOnLink on; AdvAutonomous on; }; };
To get stuck at the following step:
ip a add 2001:838:300:832d::1/64 dev eth0
I keep getting this response:
ip: RTNETLINK answers: Permission denied
If I try 'radvd start' nonetheless, I get:
[Oct 13 14:48:18] radvd: no linklocal address configured for eth0 [Oct 13 14:48:18] radvd: error parsing or activating the config file: /etc/radvd.conf
I'm not sure what to do with the first and second error. Does the third error tell me I made syntax errors while editing the radvd.conf file? I realize I'm a beginner at Linux networking, so I would sincerely appreciate your input.
Aiccu on Synology
[ch] Jeroen Massar SixXS Staff on Saturday, 13 October 2012 21:44:07
ip a add 2001:838:300:832d::1/64 dev eth0
You likely want to make that into:
ip -6 addr add 2001:838:300:832d::1/64 dev eth0
Note the '-6' to indicate IPv6, otherwise that command will try IPv4.
[Oct 13 14:48:18] radvd: no linklocal address configured for eth0
That more sounds that no IPv6 is active at all on your machine. Can you check that IPv6 is either compiled into the kernel, and or loaded as a module (lsmod |grep ipv6). And then on top of that not explicitly disabled.... Output of:
lsmod | grep ipv6 ls /proc/net/*6* ifconfig ip -6 addr show ip -6 ro show
can also be useful...

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