SixXS::Sunset 2017-06-06

ipv6 setup problem; machine thinks it's the other end of the tunnel
[nl] Shadow Hawkins on Monday, 30 June 2003 12:52:08
(Whoops, this issue seems to be discussed in the previous thread) Hello, After a crashing disk I restored my server from a backup. Since then I have had problems getting my ipv6 tunnel back online properly. The machine runs a new kernel since then (2.4.21, with xfs and preempt patches) Here's what's going wrong, when I try to set the tunnel up manually: sinas:/home/rien# ip tunnel add ipng mode sit remote sinas:/home/rien# ip link set ipng up sinas:/home/rien# ip link set mtu 1280 dev ipng sinas:/home/rien# ip tunnel change ipng ttl 64 sinas:/home/rien# ip addr add 3ffe:8114:1000::37b/127 dev ipng So far so good. At this point I should be able to reach the other end of the tunnel: sinas:/home/rien# ping6 3ffe:8114:1000::37a PING 3ffe:8114:1000::37a(3ffe:8114:1000::37a) from ::1 : 56 data bytes 64 bytes from ::1: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.041 ms Yeehaw, pingreplies... But, from localhost?! Shouldn't I get replies from the tunnelendpoint 3ffe:8114:1000::37a? Consequently, when I try to add a route to 2000::/3, ip will begin to complain: sinas:/home/rien# ip -6 ro add 2000::/3 via 3ffe:8114:1000::37a dev ipng RTNETLINK answers: No route to host Needless to say, ipv6 connectivity is broken. What's going wrong here?
ipv6 setup problem; machine thinks it's the other end of the tunnel
[ch] Jeroen Massar SixXS Staff on Tuesday, 01 July 2003 02:27:17
You could have looked at some of the older messages and found the thread about 2.4.21...

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