SixXS::Sunset 2017-06-06

RTNETLINK answers: No route to host
[de] Shadow Hawkins on Sunday, 22 August 2004 18:23:18
Hello, I'm desperately trying to get a heartbeat-tunnel to work with my Gentoo Box (Kernel I tried to follow the Gentoo-IPV6 guide and that forum post: This is the output I get: tb02 root # ip tunnel add sixxs mode sit local remote tb02 root # ip link set sixxs up tb02 root # ip link set mtu 1280 dev sixxs tb02 root # ip tunnel change sixxs ttl 64 tb02 root # ip -6 addr add 2001:6f8:900:ff::2 dev sixxs tb02 root # ip -6 ro add default via 2001:6f8:900:ff::1 dev sixxs RTNETLINK answers: No route to host :? Even after I start heartbeat-client I cannot ping6 anything except my own IP (2001:6f8:900:ff::2). tcpdump tells me that there isn't any activity on eth0 (or any other interface) when I type the above. What is it I'm doing wrong. Hours of searching didn't give me a clou... ;( I'd be happy for any Idea I could try! Thorsten Edit: P.S: Yes, my time is ntp-synced, and I can get a tunnel when I boot into winXP, but something must be wrong with my linux setup...
RTNETLINK answers: No route to host
[de] Shadow Hawkins on Sunday, 22 August 2004 19:43:26
Ah, now I got it. I forgot to add the prefixlength...

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