SixXS::Sunset 2017-06-06

proto-41= which port(s)?
[de] Shadow Hawkins on Saturday, 19 June 2004 19:53:15
Hello together, I'm trying to configure my Gentoo-Linux for using the Heartbeat Client. Because I have a Hardware-Router, I'm not able to Forward proto-41 to my IP6-Computer, but I'm able to forward the Network-Traffic by ports. Because of this I need to know which Ports are used by Heartbeat. I hope that you can help me, Benjamin
proto-41= which port(s)?
[ch] Jeroen Massar SixXS Staff on Saturday, 19 June 2004 20:34:08
It is a _protocol_ and not a port ;) Thus if you want to forward it you will need to forward a protocol... most NAT boxes can't do that. What you can do probably is configure it into DMZ mode. See the other threads. You might want to stick the version and model of your box in this forum, maybe other people know a way out. Another option is to wait for somewhat a week and to participate in the AYIYA beta test which is coming up ;)
proto-41= which port(s)?
[de] Shadow Hawkins on Sunday, 20 June 2004 20:01:02
Well, it's a D-Link DI-604. Okay, so, am I right that Heartbeat-Packages are not send over TCP/UDP but on a lower Level? Because when they are send over TCP, it should be enough to let my Router forward the Packages, not? Okay, I'll try out my DMZ-Feature now, Bye Benjamin
proto-41= which port(s)?
[de] Shadow Hawkins on Sunday, 20 June 2004 22:05:14
Hmm.. Doesn't work... My config looks like this:
os "linux" ipv4_interface "eth0" ipv4_pop "" hb_behindnat 1 # Is the following okay?? # Or schould it be commented out or set to ipv4_local_resolve ipv6_interface "sixxs" ipv6_pop "2001:6f8:900:298::1" ipv6_local "2001:6f8:900:298::2" ipv6_prefixlen 64 hb_password "xxxxxxx" hb_sendinterval 60 hb_timeout 300 daemonize 0
And this is the result:
IP adress change to detected ioctl: No such device [ HB ] Heartbeat Tunnel 2001:6f8:900:298::2 Sender $Number $Number
And the last line comes over and over again... Greetings Benny P.S.: I think I have to wait for the beta-tests...
proto-41= which port(s)?
[ch] Jeroen Massar SixXS Staff on Monday, 21 June 2004 14:17:21
The above will work, though you can omit (comment out) the ipv4_local_resolve option as you already have the hb_behindnat option active. The ioctl 'no such device' says something though. You do need to configure your tunnel as per the FAQ. The heartbeat tool won't do this for you. AICCU will also do this part. As D-Link is a known offender of not providing internet connectivity you will though have to wait for AYIYA.
proto-41= which port(s)?
[de] Shadow Hawkins on Tuesday, 29 June 2004 16:52:44
Are there any News concerning AYIYA?

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