SixXS::Sunset 2017-06-06

AYIYA tunnel only available when in use.
[us] Shadow Hawkins on Saturday, 11 November 2006 17:07:26
I'm not terribly familiar with AYIYA tunnels, but do they dynamically come up only when there's traffic on my side bound for the internet? Here's my symptoms. I can ping the PoP side of my tunnel just fine. A minute or two after I find the Pop side I can ping my IPv6 just fine from the outside internet (using a web-based IPV6 ping program). Several minutes later though I can't ping my IPv6 though. If I keep ipv6 running however, the tunnel stays up and I can ping my IPv6 without problems for hours. Is this just a property of dynamic AYIYA tunnels, or is there something else going on? It'd be nice to keep my tunnel up all the time. A few details: I'm running the tunnel on my WRT54G router that's running OpenWRT (white russian RC5). I'm behind a DSL router NAT (can't be avoided), DMZ is set to forward to the WRT54G router. I've got a static IPV4 addresss.
AYIYA tunnel only available when in use.
[us] Shadow Hawkins on Saturday, 11 November 2006 17:09:05
One more detail. I'm using AICCU to configure the tunnel.
AYIYA tunnel only available when in use.
[ch] Jeroen Massar SixXS Staff on Saturday, 11 November 2006 17:13:01
The big question: which version of AICCU? The actual 'heartbeating' of AYIYA tunnels has only been activated in the <a href="/tools/aiccu/history/#g20060723">version 2006.07.23 upward</a>. As such, older version indeed go 'offline' when there is no data being sent.
AYIYA tunnel only available when in use.
[us] Shadow Hawkins on Saturday, 11 November 2006 20:06:20
You're correct. The version that OpenWRT uses in white russian is 2005-01-31. Assuming I don't want to either re-compile a new version, or find a version someone else has compiled is it proper etiquette to just write a little script that sends out a ping6 packet every minute to the other side of the tunnel? Also, are there any bugs I should be leary of in this rather old version? (prompting me to just upgrade anyway).
AYIYA tunnel only available when in use.
[ch] Jeroen Massar SixXS Staff on Saturday, 11 November 2006 20:17:57
Well, you could call the fact that it doesn't have heartbeating for AYIYA enabled a huge bug ;) Another good argument is that the new version also uses the official IANA assigned port number (5072) instead of 8374 (BETA). Next to that there where minor changes in the AYIYA implementation which might avoid certain other undetermined problems. I suggest to upgrade and also to file a bug report with OpenWRT to do the same.

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