SixXS::Sunset 2017-06-06

Multicast deham working or me to stupid?
[de] Shadow Hawkins on Monday, 28 August 2006 15:13:16
Hi folks, I was trying every once in a while to receive some v6 multicast on my WinXP and Linux stations on my subnet. I've got ecmh installed and running, see some outgoing listener-reports to deham01 on my sixxs interface but have never seen an answer/incoming mcast traffic. I tried the unfix-radio- (before it went down), Frequence3- and some other streams I found on the net. I have set up dbeacon, MS ConferenceXP and some other goodies with no success to reach "outside" at all. I can hear my locally generated stream on all workstations (could someone try to receive my teststream at udp://@[ff3e:2001:6f8:900:15b::2]:1234 (that should be a VLC URI) from outside? ) Maybe someone got me a working station to listen to also. Perhaps my POP's mrd6 is down too, any sucess stories of my tunnel-neighbors? How should a working ecmh log look like? Could my membership in a test-vpn be the problem (but ecmh also didn't work as I disabled my quagga(zebra/bgpd/mrd6) for half a week)? Thanks for any help! Greets Sascha
Multicast deham working or me to stupid?
[nl] Shadow Hawkins on Thursday, 31 August 2006 19:27:45
On August 31, 2006, 19:12 hours (Central European Time) I tried to access the indicated UDP teststream URL with VideoLAN 0.8.5. I tried copying the IPv6 address and the port separately in UDP/RTP Multicast, then in UDP/RTP and then copying the indicated link in both of them, with Force IPv6 enable and then with it disabled. It gave 0:00:00/0:00:00 1x and the indicated link, but I could not hear or see anything from your teststream. For the rest, I do not precisely know what that means, so I cannot help you. I would suggest that if you see below this page an IPv6 address, then your IPv6 connectivity is working, otherwise it isn't. Greets, Tudor
Multicast deham working or me to stupid?
[de] Shadow Hawkins on Tuesday, 05 September 2006 14:26:54
I would suggest that if you see below this page an IPv6 address, then your IPv6 connectivity is working, otherwise it isn't.
Uhh.. Yes.. ( I don't have any problems with unicast :) Are you able to receive any other IPv6 multicast stream? Kindly, do you even know what multicast is? Thanks for your reply anyway!
Multicast deham working or me to stupid?
[nl] Shadow Hawkins on Saturday, 09 September 2006 12:22:01
I guess that multicast is kind of stream given to more users. I did receive the television programs offered by Surfnet ( ). They say on that site that it is working via multicast. Otherwise, I am unable to receive My POP reports that it has ecmh Multicast support. I don't know much about Multicast, but I tried to help, that's all.
Multicast deham working or me to stupid?
[nl] Shadow Hawkins on Sunday, 10 September 2006 00:40:33
I cannot ping succesfully That's why the stream does not play for me. Otherwise, through my AYIYA tunnels, it takes a very long time to access those Surfnet streams. Happily, I still have a heartbeat tunnel which connects instantly to those streams. Unfortunately, I could not access Euro1080 multicast streams ( udp://@ and udp://@ ). My easy access to Sufnet streams is perhaps due to the fact that I have that heartbeat connection through a Surfnet POP.
Multicast deham working or me to stupid?
[nl] Shadow Hawkins on Monday, 18 September 2006 01:40:38
I think this is further information about my connection: From Your client EUI-64 scope local Interface identifier 0000:0000:0000:0002 IPv6 address 2001:0960:0002:0531:0000:0000:0000:0002 Registry of IPv6 address RIPENCC Reverse DNS resolution Site Level Aggregator (subnet) 0531 Address type unicast,global-unicast,productive User agent identification Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; nl; rv: Gecko/20060909 Firefox/ This server EUI-48 identifier (MAC address) 00:10:dc:20:7c:7c EUI-48 scope global EUI-48 address type unicast Interface identifier 0210:dcff:fe20:7c7c IPv6 address 2001:0838:0001:0001:0210:dcff:fe20:7c7c Registry of IPv6 address RIPENCC Reverse DNS resolution Vendor identification of network interface card "MICRO-STAR INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD." Site Level Aggregator (subnet) 0001 Address type unicast,global-unicast,productive
Multicast deham working or me to stupid?
[de] Shadow Hawkins on Tuesday, 19 September 2006 19:58:27
Tried the streams you mentioned from After some 3 minutes of nothing they started eventually. Wee.. do we do multicast? I used tcpdump to look at the packets: 2001:610:1:80c3:192:87:106:169.554 > $myip Crap, no multicast.. Looked at the ASX Files (Windows Media Playlist/ Metafile): Connected host is, which resolves to 2001:610:1:80c3:192:87:106:169 These streams are unicast - maybe the winblows media server on the other side supports multicast and tried to send multicast to my player and fell back to unicast after a timeout. I guess that happens on your side too. Also possible: the streams are laggy unicast only. The Euro1080 channels are IPv4 multicast.. so there's almost no chance for receiption unless you're connected to their net & getting mc from 'em..
I cannot ping succesfully That's why the stream does not play >for me.
Multicast addresses aren't "pingable" (icmp echo req) the normal way.. If supported by the host A, it's possible to use ssmping to get multicast responses from that host A.. Btw: IPv6 multicast addresses always start with "ff"..

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