SixXS::Sunset 2017-06-06

Heads up for Ubuntu ipv6 and ufw users upgrading to 9.10.
[se] Shadow Hawkins on Sunday, 01 November 2009 13:06:00
This is just a heads up for ubuntu users upgrading to 9.10 (Karmic Koala). The upgrade overwrote the ufw firewall defaults in /etc/default/ufw, disabling all ipv6 traffic in the firewall. If you'd like to avoid some post-installation debugging, make a backup of /etc/default/ufw, /etc/ufw/* and /var/lib/ufw/* so you can edit things back to normal after the update. Admins: I was unsure of best place to post this, please (re)move if not on topic.
Heads up for Ubuntu ipv6 and ufw users upgrading to 9.10.
[si] Shadow Hawkins on Friday, 11 December 2009 18:57:28
Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! I have been banging my head against the wall to find out why my setup no longer accepted IPv6 routes on my Karmic Koala laptop, which worked perfectly well under 9.04. I searched the ubuntu forums without result, until I realized that SixxS has much higher concentration of IPv6 people than the Ubuntu forums (which were mainly discussing how to turn IPv6 off. I came across your message to late to save the setting from 9.04, but you gave me enough information to go into the ufw files and fix things. (I think the key was changing the default input policy in /etc/default/ufw from drop to accept).

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