SixXS::Sunset 2017-06-06

Tunnel sleep?
[pl] Shadow Hawkins on Tuesday, 07 July 2009 14:27:00
Hi, I have tunnel from plwaw01. If ping6 my tunnel from other host (world):
# ping6 2001:6a0:200:113::2 PING 2001:6a0:200:113::2(2001:6a0:200:113::2) 56 data bytes ^C --- 2001:6a0:200:113::2 ping statistics --- 8 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 7010ms
^^^ not working! If ping6 from my tunnel to world:
# ping6 PING (2001:838:1:1:210:dcff:fe20:7c7c): 56 data bytes 64 bytes from 2001:838:1:1:210:dcff:fe20:7c7c: icmp6_seq=0 ttl=55 time=126.5 ms 64 bytes from 2001:838:1:1:210:dcff:fe20:7c7c: icmp6_seq=1 ttl=55 time=122.9 ms 64 bytes from 2001:838:1:1:210:dcff:fe20:7c7c: icmp6_seq=2 ttl=55 time=121.9 ms --- ping statistics --- 3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max = 121.9/123.7/126.5 ms
then my tunnel is working! If ping6 him:
ping6 2001:6a0:200:f2::2 PING 2001:6a0:200:f2::2(2001:6a0:200:f2::2) 56 data bytes 64 bytes from 2001:6a0:200:f2::2: icmp_seq=1 ttl=50 time=117 ms 64 bytes from 2001:6a0:200:f2::2: icmp_seq=2 ttl=50 time=164 ms 64 bytes from 2001:6a0:200:f2::2: icmp_seq=3 ttl=50 time=119 ms ^C --- 2001:6a0:200:f2::2 ping statistics --- 3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2006ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 117.357/133.853/164.748/21.864 ms
working! But remaning time few minit and again not working... 2 month working... and now problem... Where problem? My router? Router plwaw01? pls help:)
Tunnel sleep?
[ch] Jeroen Massar SixXS Staff on Tuesday, 07 July 2009 15:09:57
This question is probably the most frequently asked question (get it about 6 times a day per minimum on the info@ address, with people accusing the PoPs or the ping robot from being broken and other such things....) FAQ: My tunnel goes down after some idletime. My tunnelendpoint also is a NAT/Connection Tracker
Tunnel sleep?
[si] Shadow Hawkins on Tuesday, 07 July 2009 23:04:12
You can also check the thread from last month, started by me: 100% packet loss, until I pinged? PS: What exactly are 2001:6a0:200:113::2 and 2001:6a0:200:f2::2 ?
Tunnel sleep?
[si] Shadow Hawkins on Wednesday, 08 July 2009 13:17:50
More to this topic: I had a reconnection of ma WAN connection (PPPoE) and my assigned IPv4 address changed. the aiccu process was still running Issue: remote IPv6 pings to my endpoint stopped to work Observation: locally initiated IPv6 traffic worked (eg: ping6 After that remote pings worked too. If I understood correcty, the POP was not informed about the IPv4 address change and could not ping me correctly. Would it be possible to make aiccu notice the local IPv4 address change and sent some dummy packet over the tunnel, to inform the POP side about the change ? Regards, David
Tunnel sleep?
[ch] Jeroen Massar SixXS Staff on Wednesday, 08 July 2009 13:29:54
Observation: locally initiated IPv6 traffic worked (eg: ping6
After that remote pings worked too.
If I understood correcty, the POP was not informed about the IPv4 address
change and could not ping me correctly.
If the PoP does not know about your IPv4 address, how did you receive return packets from your above ping?
Would it be possible to make aiccu notice the local IPv4 address change
and sent some dummy packet over the tunnel, to inform the POP side about
the change ?
It is possibly possible with DBUS, but that facility is not always available nor always notified of address changes. For heartbeat tunnels, a heartbeat packet containing the heartbeat and thus the current local IPv4 address are sent every 60 seconds. For AYIYA every packet is of course already coming from the right address.
Tunnel sleep?
[si] Shadow Hawkins on Thursday, 09 July 2009 13:33:44
It seems it is just again the connection tracker timeout problem. Funny, as I have the proto 41 exception, as described in FAQ. I'll check with some netfilter experts.
Tunnel sleep?
[si] Shadow Hawkins on Thursday, 09 July 2009 15:08:29
OK, I think I solved it now, see my other thread.
Tunnel sleep?
[pl] Shadow Hawkins on Sunday, 15 November 2009 21:56:28
iptables -I INPUT -s $IP_POPv4 -j ACCEPT it's simple... ;)

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