SixXS::Sunset 2017-06-06

Reverse DNS on /64 links
[us] Shadow Hawkins on Wednesday, 17 June 2009 21:24:29
Perhaps this has been brought up before, but I didn't find anything all that useful on a quick search. So, please take this as a suggestion that might help make it less necessary for some people to request subnets. I have four tunnels set up now. One to my house, with a /48 on it, but the other three are to two colo machines and one VM on disparate networks. I plan on requesting a /48 for my primary colo machine when I have the credits, as it makes sense to do so since I would like to split up the IPs in a fashion best done with a /48. However, it seems really silly to request a /48 subnet for my other colo machine and my VM. Both of those systems do pretty much nothing but act as DNS slaves and have no other local machines and no need for multiple IPs. The only reason I would (and perhaps will have to) request a subnet is so that I can have working reverse DNS on them. They already have /48 subnets via Tunnelbroker with proper reverse DNS and all set up on those (I'm using policy routing to multihome between the two brokers for IPv6 diversity.) I have DNS glue records for both sets of IPs set up, but of course the /64s from SixXS resolve to hosts I'd rather they not resolve to. Therefore, if I could set the reverse DNS on my end of the provided /64, I would be quite happy and have no reason to request a subnet. But it seems that I HAVE to request subnets in order to be able to set up proper reverse DNS, which seems kind of silly. Obviously we're not running out of IP space, but having to use a routed subnet when I only need a single IP is kinda silly from my viewpoint.
Reverse DNS on /64 links
[us] Shadow Hawkins on Wednesday, 17 June 2009 22:25:39
I retract this after going through the "What can be done better?" sticky. You are indeed correct that the PTRs on the /64 endpoints should be assigned as they are due to being part of a transit infrastructure. Alternate suggestion: Allow allocation of a routed /64 subnet with reverse DNS delegation (perhaps for cheaper than a /48?)

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Static Sunset Edition of SixXS
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