SixXS::Sunset 2017-06-06

I cannot connect to the IPv6 server of Usenet
[es] Shadow Hawkins on Wednesday, 13 May 2009 00:15:25
Hello, I have tried to form ACCUI and have been still the different guides who exist in this web and in the wiki but I do not manage to connect with a IPv6 server of usenet. I have the ACCUI formed correctly. I have installed tuntap32 drivers, both the version 8 and 9, and the openvpn. I have proved different alternatives, I have uninstalled and turned to installing and I never obtain my aim to connect with the server of usenet. When I type this in console: netsh interface portproxy add v4tov6 listenport=1119 connectport=119 I obtain "one does not find the command: interface portproxy add v4tov6 listenport=1119 connectport=119" I have installed ipv6 but don't be what's happens.
I cannot connect to the IPv6 server of Usenet
[nl] Shadow Hawkins on Wednesday, 13 May 2009 18:56:15
can you perform a traceroute to the server?
I cannot connect to the IPv6 server of Usenet
[nl] Shadow Hawkins on Thursday, 21 May 2009 18:25:21
Becouse you have made a proxy all the traffic from your newsleecher (adressed by: is redirected from ipv4:119 --> ivp6:119. This means that you have to setup your program to send it to Local else it wont use the proxy and will try to acces the normal ipv4. Solution: Try setup the connection of the newsleechprogram to and port 119. This must be the case to solve it, I would like to hear if it helped or not;) Greetz, Eso

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