SixXS::Sunset 2017-06-06

AAAA and A entries for a website
[us] Shadow Hawkins on Monday, 11 May 2009 08:00:08
I have my own domain, (hosted by DynDns). However, at home I have a dynamic IPv4 address. I use a ddclient to keep my domain name updated ( I was planning to use CNAME to point <b></b> to the dynamic host name It does work fine, but now I can't add AAAA DNS entry for <b><b> because there now exists a CNAME entry for it. This not so much as an DynDNS issue but more on the DNS front. How have folks setup DNS entry to have both a A (dynamic IP) and a AAAA RR?
AAAA and A entries for a website
[us] Shadow Hawkins on Monday, 11 May 2009 14:46:00
Dyndns ip4 webhops allow AAAA records with the same name, lookup (it's not online but the records are there).

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